
Age 32, Male


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iMini's News

Posted by iMini - May 1st, 2016

I completey missed it, but here's to 10 years on Newgrounds!

Posted by iMini - June 17th, 2012


Posted by iMini - April 1st, 2012

Seriously, every time I ever go to write something up on this, it just depresses me because I lack the ability to write long and structured paragraphs about my life, or any recent events.

I went to a heavy metal music festival recently, I smoked a lot of weed, drank a lot of booze, moshed in the pits and sang along to the songs. I honestly don't know how much more about it I could tell you. Each group of people gets a chalet, each chalet has 2 bedrooms and a coach, allowing for up to 5 people per chalet. Last year when we went, we left our room in one hell of a state, I fondly remember destroying glow sticks and painting the walls, cupboards and damn near every surface in a rainbow of flourescent, toxic paint. It was a full proof idea, even when we left the room in such a state, they'd never know about the paint. Because it's glow in the dark, and the cleaning people will never clean in the dark.


Skindred went. So did Dream Evil. Umm... Chaimara... Anthrax. I don't really go for any bands in particular (Except Skindred, I fucking love that band).

I'd love to go to Download Festival this year, the line up is fucking fantastic, and with it's only major competitor cancelled this year, I can see tickets selling our fast, so I should really hurry up and buy a ticket. I have a job interview at a McDonalds which is opening soon not far from where I live (10 minute walk), and I'm really quite confident I'll get a job there.

Check out Five Finger Death Punch people, amazing heavy metal band, you should check the video, the song is bad ass, and I love how much emphasis the video gives on their satire, and general tongue-in-cheek vibe.

I'm getting me a new phone next month, the Xperia Arc S, it's like a year old now, but I can get it with a 32" TV for £25 a month, which I think is a fantastic for a fairly good phone and a new TV. My old phone is a goddamn nightmare to use, it has a ridiculous screen of about 2.3", makes it difficult to do anything on it (being it's a touch-screen).

I thought I'd broken my laptop for a solid month or so, before I decided to plug it back in and see how it's doing, and to my surprise, booted. This is really helpful, because I usually download movies and TV series to keep my entertained (I don't pay for a TV license) on to my phone, which only has 8GB of storage, meaning that after my apps/music/data files/etc I only have about 3GB left for TV stuff, which usually meant having a film and then like 3 episodes of a TV show before I have to download some more when I watch them (and having to delete previous episodes). Whereas now, I can just keep everything I download.

Posted by iMini - January 29th, 2012

My mum and step dad own a few cats, they tend not to neuter them, so usually there's kittens about or at least a pregnant cat. Shortly before I moved out into my own place one of said cats had a new litter, with some adorable new kittens, 2 tortoise shell, a ginger and a white-on-tortoise shell. I took a tortoise shell with me, but she escaped out of my kitchen window after owning her for a few weeks.

Since I moved out my mum left my step dad for some 4-5 months, and my mum recently decided to have another go with him. This was some 2 weeks ago, and yesterday I was invited for Sunday Lunch. I get there and am greeted by the 2 remaining kittens, the ginger is timid and runs away while the white-tortoise shell instantly comes up to me to get fussed.

I fussed the hell out of that gorgeous girl, she was playful, active, she was with out a doubt the cutest and best kitten I have ever known. I played with her for just a couple of hours but I fell in fucking love, if I knew how amazing she'd be, I'd have taken her when I moved out without a seconds hesitation. Anyway, I have Sunday Lunch, go to the pub with my parents, sister and her boyfriend, and head back to my parents.

It gets to 6 O'Clock and we decide that's it's time I leave, so my step-dad offers to drive me back, we get in the car, pull out of the drive, and there she is, dead. I've seen a lot of cats die on that particular road, I've lost count of the cats I've lost there, but I always accepted it, was a little upset sure but I swiftly moved on. But this little angel, I was heart-broken, my eyes welled up, and a couple of tears formed, but I rubbed them off. I was upset, my step dad was upset, my mum rung me, she was upset.

He dropped me off at my flat, and once inside I cried, I've never cried because I've lost a cat before, but she was special. I called out for my cat, and little ginger tyke comes out, I him up, and I tell that cat that I love it. I love it so much.

Here's to the best kitten ever, rest in piece.

The cutest kitten I ever knew died.

Posted by iMini - November 20th, 2011

My old page was annoying me, so I started a new one.

Listen to the below song, it's pretty sick if you're into upbeat dance tracks.

Posted by iMini - September 10th, 2011

So life is looking up again, I suppose I'd consider myself a bit of a an optimist to be honest (and a pessimist to anything that happens that doesn't concern me, makes me feel better about myself...). I have an interview at Gamestation in 2 days time, I'm really hoping for this job, it would just be so awesome.

I am moving out into my own flat because goddamn I can't stand living my step father, he's quite the arsehole. I imagine I'll have friends around often and good times will be had by all, on the assumption that where I'll be living isn't an absolutely terrible place to live. I had sex with a solid 9/10 it was awesome, she has a boyfriend and I believe she felt slightly guilty, but bullshit if I care, as long as he doesn't find out, I don't care.

I got paid my last months wages from work, and received more than I was expecting and so bought a ticket to a music festival, and just recently announced that my favourite band EVER is headlining. Skindred man (please, please, please listen to the video I embed below, they're just amazing), they won a couple of awards recently for best live band, and having seen them twice I can vouch for it, Benji Webbe is the best front man I have ever seen, he's so confident and just knows how to keep the crowd in such a good mood, usually either by talking about bands he likes, which the crowd often likes, or taking the piss out of himself because he's black (once had us chanting to him "FUCK YOU NEGRO!") and he just seems like such a nice guy.


Posted by iMini - May 24th, 2011

I've been on Newgrounds for 5 years now.

Wow, it really does not seem that long, it's amazing how time flies. Fuck... dude.

I saw this band "Skindred" live for a second time earlier this month, they are undeniably the best live act I've ever seen, Benji Webbe is an amazing frontman, I highly recommend checking them out, they're a reggae-metal (or as they call it "Ragga-metal") fusion, and it sounds awesome, I bought a T-Shirt, it's awesome.

Posted by iMini - April 18th, 2011

I really really thought I was over my ex.
Today someone posted a status, and I just checked out his profile, "Is in a relationship with my ex"
Hot all over my body, start to sweat. Fuck, that's teh second goddamn time.

Removed her, removed him.
And then I remember when I met him, and how she described him to me as being "so like you", fuck her, fuck him.

First love is a motherfucking bitch, she's 17 and had sex with like 9 people now.
Fuck love, Fuck it hard. SO hard.

I don't even know if the relationship was worth it, it was nice, very nice, but that breakup tore me to fucking pieces. I got depressed, I lost a fair amount of weight, I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep.

Was it worth losing my virginity for that?

Posted by iMini - March 22nd, 2011

Title says it all.
They didn't say much, they're Finnish I think, heavy accents, awesome band, awesome live.

Oh I met a guy from Holy Grail as well, cool band, he was the guitarist.

That is why little-known festivals are cool, you just walk around and see band members ERRYWHERE

I met some guys from TURISAS

Posted by iMini - January 30th, 2011

So I see a lot of talk now among my friends about music festvals, who they want to see this year, etcetera.
I was thinking a lot about this myself, and decided I wanted to go to Download Festival, I quite liked the line up, a lot of bands I really like are going.

Today a friend calls me, "Hey dude, I won tickets to Hammerfest Festival, wanna come? All you gotta do is pay for accommodation, I won't charge you anything?" so i do some research, See the line up and dates, looks pretty good, so I figure why the he'll not? Pay just £80 for a festival when I could be paying upwards of £150.

Anyone else going to a festival?