I really really thought I was over my ex.
Today someone posted a status, and I just checked out his profile, "Is in a relationship with my ex"
Hot all over my body, start to sweat. Fuck, that's teh second goddamn time.
Removed her, removed him.
And then I remember when I met him, and how she described him to me as being "so like you", fuck her, fuck him.
First love is a motherfucking bitch, she's 17 and had sex with like 9 people now.
Fuck love, Fuck it hard. SO hard.
I don't even know if the relationship was worth it, it was nice, very nice, but that breakup tore me to fucking pieces. I got depressed, I lost a fair amount of weight, I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep.
Was it worth losing my virginity for that?
This is why my true love is an inanimate object. A can of Guinness.
Also, here's a song written especially for this kind of occasion:
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K38YZQQ0nIg">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K38YZQ Q0nIg</a>
Give it a listen, all the way through.