I decided a couple of days ago on what tattoo to get, I really couldn't think of an idea until someone said "Why don't you get "Mini" on your wrist?" and then proceeded to show me hers.
I thought it was a good idea, so I walked from college into town and booked an appointment (and to be frank, I'd have had it done then and there if I could have) for Thursday at 11, after having to pick out a font. Usually at that time I'd have a lesson, but I thought fuck it and went ahead and got my tattoo.
I'm pretty pleased with it myself, it didn't bleed alot, I got it wrapped incling film and there was a little blood after an hour, but I took it off and it was fine and stopped being sore after about 3 hours. I'm not looking forward to the peeling though...
rate my ink?
The font looks nice. I've no interest in getting tattoos myself.