
Age 32, Male


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Everything it unfair

Posted by iMini - August 4th, 2009

I hate life sometimes, not in that emo way that my profile picture suggests, I hate how it's so unfair, again not emo, the way that the smallest things can sway the way things go, something so irrelevent can make something better or worse.

Let's first take Newgrounds Profiles for example, I know this is all theory, but damned if I dbout I'll change the way I think about it. I've been on Newgrounds for 3 and a half years now and I rarely get people commenting on my new posts, I have near 7,000 posts and I find that my posts can stand out from others. Now, let's take Lagamuffin, he made his Newspost just yesterday, he has 24 comments already, you know what I think causes his popularity? His name, yes, it's imaginitive and appealing to those 13 year old "haha random is sooo funny herp derp" faggots. Yes, I'm jealous.

Let's take games, Halo 3 is the best selling game on the xbox 360 and the #1 most played game on xbox live, the ragdolls and physics are cheap, almost all guns are obsolete compared to the battle rifle, lucky grenade sticks are instakills and the community is just goddamn awful. Now, let's take Team Fortress 2 on xbox 360, the game is hardly played, sure it has a dedicated but small community, I believe the gameplay in that is solid, plenty of variety, decent ragdolls, a nice variety of maps and is generally a great game all round. How is it that The Orange Box is not as played as Halo 3 despite being obviously superior (inb4 fanboy lolololol).

Facebook, Myspace, etc are all also unfair, it's an attention whore thing, the more of a scene kid you are, the more views your profile gets, people can post genuinly important stuff on there and never get noticed because it's full of attention whores (inb4 more obvious replies), you need to be a serious addict on there to get profile views, obviously looking better and stuff helps too, it's just unfair.

life is so fucking unfair.



You done gone hurted ma feelings :(


Also, that newspost got 100 comments in 3 days.

This, this is the bullshit I'm talking about...

Looks like someone wants attention.

Well, if you want more replies to your page, then comment on other peoples pages. I, and many other people have a system of 'you reply to my userpage, I'll reply to yours'.

You'll only get four or five if you just wait and see.

Oh yeah, 6...

Don't talk shit about Halo 3.


it's an overrated mediocre game.

it's some £7.99 in Gamestation, its gameplay is mediocre, only is sucky, controls are "unique" but a pain in the ass when you're used to a good game (cod), a shit load of maps are required in order to play most game modes (cash cow), etc.