Heard it was one hell of a dissapointed, I saw it for sale in a shop on their website for £27, which I figured was worth it, even after all teh critisism, once I got their, I bought Viva Pinata, as I couldn't see Spore anywhere, so I asked the clerk when they were getting any copies, they said they already had it in, I asked how much it was and they said it was £35, fuck paying £35 when I could save that and buy some good games like Gears 2, Fable 2 and Left 4 Dead.
Aaah well.
Is spore really worth it though?
Also, you could try getting it pre-owned or borrowing it from a rental game store?
SecurCOM is made for stopping the pre-owned market...
Spore is not worth £35, only a handful of decent aspects in the game.