goddammit newgrounds....the day iturn lvl9 and then the naxt day tom and the gang were in my tank, then i go to lvl7! >:( GRRR IM ANGREH
Age 32, Male
Joined on 3/4/06
goddammit newgrounds....the day iturn lvl9 and then the naxt day tom and the gang were in my tank, then i go to lvl7! >:( GRRR IM ANGREH
Level 1 to 82.
No wai!
I think the way it works, is if you had low levels of experience in your level 9, you went to level 8, and if you were getting close to level 10, they just bumped you to 10. I got bumped to 10, and then a week or so later, I moved up to level 11. Also, we have very similar names.
Nope, some level 9's went to as high as 14
Matter of fact, I had the same problem, and I was thinking "WTF?, is there something wrong with my comp.", but now at least I know I'm not the only one.
Level 9 to 14, how cool is that.
I was, 10. And like 1 month from being 11.. And then After, i was 16, and in 2 days ill be 18. But if they waited a month id probably 20 sumthing.
Pauly Shore?
mever spam me unless it about shadow the hegdehog every1 click my name!! and review
Ooo, the power of the ban stick.
I went from level 9 to level 13
I went from level 11 to level 21.
post this on forum.
Why? If I post on the forums, I'll lose track of it, also, it would be a stat thread, which is against the rules.
9 to 16, level 18 nao.
I'm level 12 tomorrow =)
9 to 11 but I stoped voting and went down to 7, I'm 10 now though.
I went from a level 10 to a level 16.
If it means anything to you.
Anyone that posts on any of my pages matters to me...
Hey H-A-X-O-R-Z,
Check out my page, Saint's Aura is completed!
I know, you are so awesome =)
a level 6 to a level 7
What a big leap eh?
i went from a level 11 to a level 22 after redesign.